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Rules FAQ

Rules execution order is determined by two things, the trigger and the position of the Rule in the list: • Ticket Created Rules are always executed before New Message In Ticket ones • Ticket Updated Rules are executed last • All Rules of a given trigger are executed in the order listed on the Rule settings page

We don't send a single auto-reply more than once per 5 min per customer, to avoid spamming customers with the same message over and over again.

The limit is 70 Rules per account - you'll see a notification message when approaching the limit when 65 or more Rules have been created.

Rules are case-sensitive only with IS and IS NOT. However, as soon as you enter a specific word - for instance, TeSt - it'll automatically change to test if the Rule isn't case sensitive.

No, since the triggers we have right now are Ticket Created, Ticket Updated, New Message In Ticket, Ticket Assigned To User, and Ticket Snooze Delay Ends. If none of these triggers are met and some time passes, there's no way to trigger the Rule.