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Rules 101

Rules allow you to perform actions on tickets based on custom triggers to automate repetitive tasks, such as tagging tickets or responding to common questions.

Mechanic of Rules

Once you create a Rule, the first two parts will be WHEN something, THEN something and these two pieces of information are practically all that's needed to create a Rule. Once you start adding things to the THEN portion, you can see that it begins to get indented as the Rule gets longer.

Common variables in Rules

The most common variables can be found in the ticket and message properties. These include ticket status, creation date, last message date, and other metadata.

Date format in Rules

You can trigger a Rule according to a particular date using the following date format: weeks (w), days (d), hours (h), minutes (m), and seconds (s).

This applies to the following date conditions:
• Closed datetime
• Created datetime
• Last message datetime
• Last received message datetime
• Opened datetime
• Updated datetime
• Message created datetime

For example: the ticket closed datetime is less than or equal to 3d 2h 20m.