Rule Glossary: Actions
Actions are the final step of each Rule, determining what happens when conditions are met.
Key Actions
- Send email
Sends an email to a specific address.
- Reply to customer
Sends a reply via the same channel the message was received.
- Add internal note
Creates an internal note in the ticket with specified text.
- Apply macro
Sends a pre-set message using the same channel as the received message.
- Add tags
Adds specified Tags if all Rule conditions are met.
- Remove tags
Removes specified Tags if all Rule conditions are met.
- Reset tags
Removes any existing Tags and replaces them with specified ones.
- Set subject
Changes the ticket subject if all conditions in the Rule are met.
- Set status
Closes or opens the ticket.
- Set ticket field
Automates filling up Ticket Fields.
- Snooze for
Delays a Rule Action by snoozing the ticket for a certain time.
- Assign agent
Assigns a ticket to the specified agent if all conditions are met.
- Assign team
Assigns a ticket to a specified team.
- Delete ticket
Automatically deletes tickets that meet all conditions specified in the Rule.
- Hide Facebook comment
Automatically hides a comment that contains certain keywords or emojis on Facebook.
- Like Facebook comment
Automatically Likes a comment with specific keywords or emoticons.
- Exclude ticket from Auto-Merge
Excludes tickets from being auto-merged.
- Exclude ticket from CSAT
Excludes tickets from receiving CSAT survey.
These actions define the outcomes of your Rules, allowing for automated responses and ticket management.